
February 5, 2010

Weekly Poll 3 Result: Do You Like New Friendster?

The question was asked to survey whether will the new Friendster be accepted and regain their its member? And the answer is obvious... Most of them doubt and answered MAYBE.. 4 out of 14 respondents answered NO while only 1 out of 14 respondents gave positive feedback which is YES! I guess there are several reasons why New Friendster couldn't once again gain its popularity..

Look at Facebook and MySpace.. their members had exceeded Friendster million miles away. This might due to the members being loyalty and not willing to even take a look at the New Friendster.

Since it took off in 2001, Friendster has been outshined by Facebook and Myspace over the years. But now... I guess its a No! No! Nine years down the road with its new looks, Friendster has developed many new features.

Friendster has definitely changed its looks; (1) the interface is much more structured with an Activity Stream that allows updates, comments and adding friends, (2) a redesigned About Me section showing a larger version of the primary photo, (3) Shoutout Stream has been added, (4) users are able to change their primary color of their home page by clicking a colored box on a user panel on the top right side.

But there's still hope because most respondents answered MAYBE?? Why not you, take a look and explore the New Frienster @ and tell me why?

Just a simple report,

Justin =)

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