
February 16, 2010 vs

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They may be the TWO (2) most popular micro-blogging social networking site of the 21st century, but ONE of them certainly knocks the other out.


Both very interesting piece of work for updating status and post, yet there can only be ONE that stands out. Plurk, in my opinion clearly stands out at the range of components that are offered.

1. Timeline

There is a Timeline effect that was introduced by Plurk to look a lot more interactive and interesting, where as Twitter's Timeline is not as effective and captivating as Plurk's. On Plurk, it is a whole lot more attractive as it is placed in a horizontal manner such as the picture above compared to the vertical position that Twitter offers. It was a bold move but a very productive one, as many can see. One of the many successes of Plurk. Although both Plurk and Twitter users are opened to design their background with their own interest and creativity.

2. Chat Conversations

Despite the fact that Plurk is a micro blogging social networking site, on the status updates that a person puts up, his / her peers are allowed to give their response in a form of conversation. Twitter, however, isn't quite the 'in detailed' with the feedback from other followers of a person. It is a lot more confusing compared to Plurk's form of instant feedback.

3. One-Line Messages & Emoticons

This clearly is the 'IT' factor for both Plurk and Twitter, as well as doing justice to their popularity. Both sites have one-line messages that could not exceed more than 140 words, BUT Twitter fails to have emoticons as part of the update compared to Plurk, whom allows members to be very creative with their message update and emoticons *expressions*. Bravo, don't you think?

4. Karma

This feature basically wins Plurk the crown. The Karma feature are rewards that are given to members as they update regularly and as their popularity raises. The higher your Karma is, the more popular and socialize you are. Fascinating, don't you think? It is also shown that as the Karma levels grows, more exclusive emoticons would be available for the members to use as part of their message update. Twitter clearly hasn't reach a point where they reward their members for being consistent and popular. Although Twitter is a lot more talked about, compared to Plurk.

For me, the winner would be PLURK

So what are you, Team Twitter or Team Plurk ?



1. Twitter versus Plurk: The UI Advantage. [Online], Retrieved 14th February 2010. URL:
2. 6 Reasons Why Plurk Beat Twitter. [Online] 15th February 2010. URL:
3. Why 'Plurking' is more FUN than 'Tweeting'? [Online] 13th February 2010. URL:

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