
March 19, 2010



What is Foursquare? Have you ever imagine your status update also can tell the location you're at? Basically, Foursquare is a social networking site based on location, it is a web and mobile application that allows users to connect with friends and update their location. According to Foursquare, there are over 500,000 users registered in a week. Now, if you've signed up Foursquare, you may scrolled through the tabs and figured out what's next?


Just like Twitter, the first impression of Foursquare may seem a bit boring. To really explore what is so exciting about Foursquare, here are six tips for squeezing out the most from your new social networking site-Foursquare!

1) Take note of adding friends
Using Foursquare by yourself is like how you having zero followers on Twitter. To get value from Foursquare, your friends are very important to be on action, for example, user can use the application given to meet up, share and find stuff to do for kill times. The most crucial thing you must know is do not add people you aren't friends with. This is because your friend can know where you are all the time. You might give a chance for others to stalk you. The good thing is when you check where your friend's location, you could get a chance to meet up a real friend in real life.


2) Complete profile
Make sure you put your profile picture and fill in a little bit more detail about yourself. As before someone be your friend, they have the right to know who you are.


3) Add shouts
Simple update your friends by adding short messages or shouts, let people know they're invited to join you. For example, you can share what's happening at the location you've arrived, perhaps some breaking news.


As a conclusion, Foursquare is a social networking site that gets you into the real world with other people. Once you nail a few basics down, it can add some values to your social life.


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