
March 18, 2010

Weekly Poll 8 Analysis ; Will you sign up LinkedIn to pursue your job?

Good evening fellow readers, here we have another analysis based on the poll question ; Will you sign up LinkedIn to pursue your job? Amazingly we had received pretty good feedback on this weeks poll results. Thank you very much for your support in taking the time to answer this poll question.

Out of the 20 viewers whom had answered this poll question, 10 of them said YES which lead to 50% of the percentage that would definitely sign up for a LinkedIn profile to enhance their possibility in pursuing their dream job. Where as, 6 of the remaining viewers had said NO, which provides us with the 30% percentage of the results, these viewers certainly obtain a different outlook unto the different people, different perception idea on this question. The remaining 4 viewers had chosen MAYBE towards their idea on whether they should or shouldn't sign up for this website, or it could be that it is not a good platform for the line of work they might be interested in. These viewers are of the 20% percentage left in the pie chart.

It is not a must to follow in other people's footsteps, only your own. So if you personally feel that LinkedIn would not be a benefit to you, than don't highlight it as a yes, but rather stick to your decision. Either way, there are many ways of approaching a positive platform that would help kick start a specific career. Stick to what you believe in and be strongly opinionated about it.

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