March 19, 2010
March 18, 2010
Weekly Poll 8 Analysis ; Will you sign up LinkedIn to pursue your job?
March 16, 2010
Are you a "Social Butterfly"?

2. Log In!
3. Disconnected!
Signing off,
March 14, 2010
Creating your very own social networking site?
Many internet users of the Web 2.0 generation have become very in touched with the coding and processing of a website. Some have even learnt how to create their very own websites. With the hype revolving around the social networking topic, users have been upgraded to creating their very own social networking site.
Is it possible? Most definitely.
Let me introduce to you : NING.
It is the only website that allows users to a social network within seconds. This website is the key of creating a new social networking site to the user's personal tastes and needs. Wouldn't it be fun having a social networking site just for your family tree or even better, for your course mates; for example; Mass Communication students creating a social networking site just for all the students under this course. A golden move of creating the SNS through this particular website is the step-by-step walk through on how to use it.
1st step
Name your social network site and submit a web address of your choice.
2nd step
Users would be asked to enter their basic information on the NING website. Compulsory information that includes privacy settings, tagline, headlines and etc.
3rd step
Users have a choice of modifying the layout of the social networking site. It's an easy drag and drop process.
And of course, who wouldn't like to choose their very own themes to complete the look of the masterpiece. In this step, they are able to choose a selection of themes and color schemes.
5th step
Users are then given the choice to select a customize profile on the website and on the user's profile.
Weekly Poll Result 7- Would you sign up a SNS for your pet?
The result for week 8's poll shown that most pet owners will not sign up a Social Networking sites for their own pets. This might be due to certain reasons such as they find there is no such need in creating a social networking site for their pet which does not even know how to use the internet.
Out of 11 respondents, 3 of them had chosen the answer yes which is willing to create an online profiule for their pets, while 2 out of 11 respondents are unsure whether to have a social networking site account for their pets. The majority which is 7 respondents out of a total of 11 had firmly chosen their answer which is not to sign up a social networking site for their pets.
Maybe some pet owners find it kiddy and weird to have a social networking site for their pet but their pet do not even know how to use the internet.
After all, it will be still the owner whom does the social networking and for their own purpose. Some are willing to sign up an online profile for their pets due to they find it interesting for pets to network online.
March 13, 2010
Have you ever thought of having your personal blog, but it does not work out because.. "You do not have time to keep update?" or "You do not have any writing inspiration?" Well..If you almost quit blogging, right now here is a new site for you to blog blissfully easy!
Besides being ease-of-use, Tumblr has layout with a minimalist Web 2.0 look. Users can choose and customize the themes given. You can go with simplicity or creatively in designing a theme for your Tumblr. Since Tumblr handles every contents you've been having trouble, why not hit to Tumblr now and sign up? And remember to invite your friends to join you, let's follow each other!
LiHui :)
March 8, 2010
Weekly Poll 6 - Which are the Top 5 Twitters you would follow?
March 6, 2010
SNS for Fashion Gurus.
March 5, 2010
SNS as tools for employers.
The study, which questioned 2,667 managers and human resource workers, found that 35 percent of employers decided not to offer a job to a candidate based on the content uncovered on a social networking site. (The survey has no margin of sampling error because it was not drawn from a representative nationwide sample but rather from volunteer participants.)

March 3, 2010
Weekly Poll 5 ; Do you read through the terms and conditions before signing up ?
Users of the Internet hardly read up on terms and conditions on any social networking sites unless they have had a habit to do so. Do you read through them, right before you sign up to a social networking site? Are you aware of the policies that the social networking sites carry?
Through our poll of the week, we have encountered the answers for you. It is shown that around 6 persons had answered our poll. Regardless of the number, the knowledge gained from it, would be considered valuable. Out of 6, Only 1 person said they DO (YES) read through the terms and conditions before signing up on a social networking site. And the remaining 5 is divided with 3 persons stating that they SOMETIMES do read through the terms and conditions, where as 2 persons DO NOT (NO) read them at all.
March 1, 2010
Linked In!
Remember, relationship does matter!
February 24, 2010 Social Networking Sites for Pets.
Wonder if anyone ever want to have a social networking site for their pets? Or to have a designed homepage and online profile for pets? In this post today, I will introduce you to a social networking site for pets-! started with Mr. Monir whom owns two pet cats named Fenton and McGuirk. He created few online social networking sites for his two beloved pets but almost all of them got deleted. Apparently, friends cant have fur!!? So, he decided to make his own social networking site for people like him who think pet is also a good friend for anybody else. It then slowly evolve to a site where owners make profile pages for pets then for owner to meet.
So, what are the features of
Owners can create a profile for their pets. The can include details such as about the pets, what is the breed or even age. Then owner can snap a nice picture of the pet and upload it to enable others to know how their pets look like. Onwer can also inlude their own photos.
Besides setting up a profile, owners can help their pets to make friends. They can create a list of friends for their pets or a family list for them. Owner can even add the owner and categorize them as Non-Furry friends. Once you are a friend of a pet, u can leave testimony for the pets too.
Moreover, owner can creates blog for his or her pets to keep other owners updated on their beloved pets. Normally owner will choose to blog about the special behaviour of their pets.
Other than posting blogs about pets, owners can upload more pictures for their pets and start commenting on other people's pets photos.
Last but not least, owners can check whether there is new 'pet' started a new profile by checking the recent activity in, to keep themselves updated with the current status of others account.
Amazed aren't you? Social networking site for pets? The are even more sites such as or Heard from my lecturer that there will be another social networking site coming this March for OBJECTS??? CHAIRS? TABLE? FAN? That is for you to explore! Why not start a for your pets today? I want to start one for my Bubu!
February 22, 2010
Where is your tweets? [Bahasa Malaysia version]
Pernahkah anda melihat seekor burung dengan warna biru halaman mana anda surfing? Saya yakin anda boleh mengingati "Ikutlah Aku"widget bersama dengan burung biru.
Have you seen a bird with blue color whichever sites you surfing? I'm sure you can remember the "Follow Me" widget along with the blue bird.
Sites seperti Facebook dan Myspace memberikan pengguna untuk membina profil mereka, mengintegrasikan program-program yang berguna di laman mereka. Tapi kericau membuat perbezaan!Salah satu syarikat web dengan perkhidmatan yang sederhana dengan cepat menjadi salah satu yang paling banyak dibicarakan laman rangkaian sosial.
Sites like Facebook and Myspace provide the users to build their profiles, integrate useful programs in their homepage. But Twitter makes a difference! One web company with a simple service is rapidly becoming one of the most talked-about social networking site.
Jadi, apa kericau lakukan? Hal ini memungkinkan para pengguna untuk menyiarkan mesej ke rangkaian kenalan. Daripada menghantar e-mel atau mesej teks, satu menciak menyediakan semuanya! Pengguna menghantar update cepat untuk membiarkan mereka"pengikut" untuk mengetahui apa yang sedang berlaku dalam real-time. Sekali pengguna mempunyai akaun di kegugupan, mereka boleh menjemput pengguna lain untuk menerima Tweets mereka. Di sisi lain, Tweets memiliki keterbatasan kerana membolehkan anda untuk menghantar mesej singkat terbatas hanya 140 karakter untuk mengelakkan lalu lintas yang padat. Nah, orang mengemaskini status mereka begitu sering yang tidak perlu untuk menghantar mesej yang panjang.
So what does Twitter do? It allows the users to broadcast messages to a network of contacts. Instead of sending an e-mails or text messages, one Tweet provides everything! Users send quick update to let their"followers" to know what is going on in real-time. Once users have an account in Twitter, they can invite other users to receive their Tweets. On the other hand, Tweets have limitations as it allows you to send a short messages limited to just 140 characters to avoid heavy traffic. Well, people update their status so frequently that is unnecessary to send a long message.
Factor yang paling menarik di kegugupan adalah pengguna dapat "mengikuti" siapa pun yang mereka ingin menerima berita tangan pertama! Bahkan selebriti atas menggunakan Twitter setiap detik untuk tetap berhubungan dengan peminat mereka. Tidakkah kau pikir kita sangat beruntung memiliki kericau dalam abad ini?
The most interesting feature in Twitter is users are able to "follow" whoever they want to receive the first hand news! Even top celebrities are using Twitter every second to keep in touch with their fans. Don't you think we are so lucky to have Twitter in this century?
Saya peribadi cinta Twitter! Bahkan Obama & Bill Gates menggunakan Twitter! Dapatkan Twitter sebelum anda keluar daripada sentuhan dari dunia!
Well, I personally love Twitter! Guess what? Even Obama & Bill Gates are using Twitter! Get yourself a Tweet before you are out of touch from the world!
February 21, 2010
Followers are on the way (Mandarin version)
February 20, 2010
凡于使用社交网站的缺点等; Where as the DISADVANTAGES on using a social networking site are as such;
1.拉克不愿透露姓名: 有许多不负责任的青少年提供了那里,对各类社会网络站点,可能导致不必要的困扰他们的个人资料出现在他们的私人生活。的危险事情会发生不明,如果另一边的人不是谁它应有的水平。
Thats all from me, I am Justin,