
January 22, 2010

Weekly Poll - Which social networking site do you prefer?



Last week, we came up with a poll to do a survey on which social networking site do you prefer. Now, the result is out. Thanks for everyone participation! =)

The given choices include Facebook, Friendster, My Space, Twitter and others sites. As the pie chart above shown, the most voted social networking site is Facebook! Obviously, Facebook did made an impact in today's society.The second most voted social networking site is Myspace. This is why our previous post talked about Facebook vs. Myspace. Well, different users have different needs, and Facebook and Myspace do provide different features to the users. Next rated social networking site is Twitter. Twitter is actually just as famous as Facebook, I bet all of us, came across the "follow me button" with a little cute bird icon right? People often use Twitter to follow thier favourite celebrities, friends etc. Lastly, the least rated social networking site is Friendster. I'm sure everyone knows that Friendster used to be like Facebook, who did not have an account in Friendster before? I think everyone did right?

In conclusion, the analysis is just to find out which social networking site people prefer the most? Technology is moving rapidly, especially the Internet world. Who knows another creative social networking site will be soon launched in few months later? Well, we'll see...

p/s: Is time for LiHui to get back to her S.N.S world!

January 19, 2010

Facebook Vs MySpace (1)

I always wonder how is the battle between Mark and Tom? Whose inventions are better? Facebook by Mark Zuckerberg or MySpace by Tom Anderson. Well, this week, bring to you a close up battle between Facebook and MySpace Part 1. I will be revealing this week three rounds of versus(s) between this two top rated Social Networking Sites.

Quick Fact- Facebook is currently having 150 million members while MySpace is having 191 million members. (

(image obtained from

Round 1: Design

Layout: Indeniable, MySpace wins in this segment. According to's Facebook Poll, only 5% of the nearly 800,000 respondents give the new layout of Facebook a thumbs up while rest go the other way. And MySpace offers layout design utilities which let users select options and preview what their page will look like.

(image obtained from

Profiles: Draw. Because MySpace has a lot of customizations, but Facebook’s default looks better than MySpace’s and it’s very neat and well organized.
Customization: MySpace and Facebook tie here. Facebook lets you add and remove applications, while MySpace lets you do whatever you want with the pages, only if you know a little HTML. Unfortunately thats the reason MySpace’s design is kinda messy and unorganized.

Site Organization: Both are quite organized. However, Facebook wins because of its clean layout that allows you to find everything right away, and it’s homepage is a link to everything you need in neat and tidy boxes.

Overall Site Design: Facebook is the winner for this round. MySpace might tend to look a little unprofessionally when compared to Facebook, mainly again because of it’s inconsistency in design. This time I guess its MySpace themselves, not the users, who make the site difficult to use.

Round Winner: *drum rolls* .....Its a DRAW!

Round 2: Media

(image obtained from www.

Pictures: Facebook wins!! Don't you like it when you don't have to bring your own camera and all you have to do is to have a friend who owns a camera and a Facebook account like you? because of its well-organized picture section and the ability to tag people and have people tag themselves, Facebook definitely is the winner! Also, with the applications recently released you can now add Flickr and other photosharing site streams to your profile. However, Fox now owns Photobucket, which provides photo hosting to MySpace users.
Videos: This one is a tie because both MySpace and Facebook let you upload video and they both have their own flash player. MySpace will let you embed video into your profile but you can post videos to Facebook as well.
Music: MySpace wins. Most band owns a MySpace account and fan page. However, with the new Facebook apps you can add your data from music tracking sites like and iLike: in fact the top application on Facebook at the moment is the iLike app.
Sharing: Now, Facebook’s advantage here is only a slight one. Facebook allows you to share media links very easily and i fact automatically though the Facebook feed, something that I’m sure many MySpace users would like to be able to do (MySpace News isn’t really suited to this). You can, however, grab embedded media like videos from other profiles to repost on MySpace.
Round Winner: Facebook!!

Round 3: Community

Relationships: I have to say Facebook did a very good job in building and gaining back relationship. With a click on your mouse, you can easily find your long lost friends back in high school or you can even indicate how you know a person. Even all mothers can easily check whether their son is dating a girl or not. *Worried!* while the features for MySpace in this segment is kinda limited.

Groups: Both sites have groups, but Facebook makes them more prominent. They are a bigger part of the service and there are a lot of people using them for clever uses like planning meet up and giving info to fans.
Keeping Track of What’s New: Facebook kills MySpace here. On MySpace the only way to know if a friend added something new to their profile is to go look at it, and the only way to know if you made a new friends is to look for the person. Facebook has two feeds. One tells you what’s new with you, like who accepted your friend request or your posted items, etc. The other feed tells you what’s up with all your friends, like who they added and what groups they joined.
Messaging: This is a tie. They both have a place where people can leave messages on your profile and they both have a basic mail system.
Co-Workers: Facebook can be used as a tool to talk to the people you work with also and see what’s new with them. You can even join a network for your company. MySpace was really designed for teens so it doesn’t really have these types of features.
Round Winner: Still... Facebook! *Applauses*
Summary for part 1 of Facebook versus MySpace: Looks like Facebook dominated the first part of the competition. Eventhough MySpace has the most members but it might not be the top rated Social Networking Sites. So based on the first 3 rounds, do you agree that facebook is better than MySpace? Tell me about it...
For more hyped up competitions between Tom and Mark, stay tune for next week's Facebook Vs MySpace Part 2. Ciao!

(Source of reference: Facebook Hammers MySpace In All Key Elements, Retrieved on 18th January 2020, URL-


January 17, 2010

Pros and Cons.

Link to us :

Social networking is the current sensation between everyone of all ages over the world. The Internet helps it come alive and connects us; anywhere and wherever we are. It brings a large scale of people together to interact at any given time, regardless of various time zones.

Such an amazing fact, don't you think?

Today I'd be venturing on the basic ADVANTAGES and DISADVANTAGES of a social networking site.


(image obtained from

First and foremost, I'd like to start with the ADVANTAGES on using a social networking site.

LOW COST ; Using a social networking site is much cheaper compared to arranging meetings amongst friends and hosting a party by inviting guests through a networking site, for example Facebook and Myspace to name a few. This most clearly justifies the popularity of the site as it makes something that usually is so hard to plan, fast and simple and very cheap. Amazingly for a big company or business, they can use it to scout other businesses on their target audiences and market share which could lead into future partnership, and at a very low price.

BUILDS CREDIBILITY ; It helps a company gain confidence from their client as they get to know the target audience daily routine that could help the business sell the product in a more specific manner. As long as the company doesn't be aggressive with their building interest of the client.

CONNECTIONS ; Everyone and anyone are able to connect through a social networking site. This leads to friendships being formed from across the continent or even next door neighbours. Making friends is easy but keeping the friendship is a challenge, teaches you to play your cards right. As the saying goes, 'it's a small world'.

Where as the DISADVANTAGES on using a social networking site are as such;

LACK OF ANONYMITY ; There are many irresponsible teenagers out there that give out their personal details on various social networking sites that may lead unnecessary disturbance to occur into their private lives. Unaware of the dangerous things that could happen if the person on the other side isn't who it's supposed to be.

SCAMS AND HARASSMENT ; A social networking site could get hacked into, not every secured location can be reliable. It could disrupt security in both a personal and business context.

TIME CONSUMING ; Certain people don't enjoy clicking around a social networking site all day. Although having a social networking site is supposed to be fun and enjoyable, some group of people just see it as a waste of time.

As you've seen above, I've listed down the advantages and disadvantages, the pros and cons of these social networking sites that is vastly growing in today's society. I advice my fellow friend to take a moment and ponder on these valuable intake of information that could save you a hassle in the future.

That's all from me, for now.